
Wrapping and Unwrapping PL/SQL

Introduction Today I released a PL/SQL Unwrapper for VS Code. You can find it in the VS Code Marketplace, along with instructions on how to use it. It’s super easy and works the same way as the extension I wrote 10 years ago for SQL Developer in Java. If you’re curious about […]

Moving to GitHub

Over the years, my blog has become one big mess. It was no longer a blog. It contained product pages, change logs, software downloads, FAQs and even a forum. That was a nice experiment. But now it’s time to move everything that doesn’t belong in my personal blog to another place. A […]

PL/SQL Bulk Unwrap

406 days ago I released PL/SQL Unwrapper for SQL Developer version 0.1.1 and blogged about it. With this extension, you can unwrap the content of a SQL Developer window. Time for an update. With the new version 1.0 you can unwrap multiple selected objects with a few mouse clicks. In this blog […]

Introducing PL/SQL Unwrapper for SQL Developer

I’m using from time to time the free service Unwrap it! or Niels Teusink’s Python script unwrap.py to unwrap PL/SQL code. Recently I’ve been confronted more with wrapped code since a customer is about to migrate to a new banking platform which is using wrapped PL/SQL code extensively. While investigating migration errors we experienced that […]