Important Announcement

This forum will be discontinued.

The creation of new topics is disabled.

Please open GitHub issues for the corresponding topics/products in the following Trivadis repositories:

A lot of users have already a GitHub account and the management of the issues is better than in this forum. For example, closing a forum topic is never related to a product change. Closing a GitHub issue for an accepted bug means that the bug is fixed. This should simplify the work for all involved parties.

See this blog post for more information.

Thank you for your understanding.

New Member
Topics: 1 / Replies: 3
Answer to: Issues with JSON_TABLE

Aha, indeed objects with name "json" broke the COP's haven. with ajson as ( select '{"bla_bla_bla":"Why we have ten E-0002 issues now?"}' doc from dua...

5 years ago
Answer to: Issues with JSON_TABLE

much more interesting sample: with json as ( select '{"bla_bla_bla":"Why we have ten E-0002 issues now?"}' doc from dual ) SELECT *FROM json_table( (s...

5 years ago
Answer to: Issues with JSON_TABLE

Nice shoot, Philipp. You are right in sense of publicly available syntax for JSON_TABLE function: , but reality is more complicated. create view v1asS...

5 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 2482