Important Announcement
This forum will be discontinued.
The creation of new topics is disabled.
Please open GitHub issues for the corresponding topics/products in the following Trivadis repositories:
- PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines
- PL/SQL Cop Command Line
- PL/SQL Cop for SonarQube
- PL/SQL Cop for SQL Developer
- PL/SQL Cop Validators
- PL/SQL Analyzer
- PL/SQL Unwrapper
A lot of users have already a GitHub account and the management of the issues is better than in this forum. For example, closing a forum topic is never related to a product change. Closing a GitHub issue for an accepted bug means that the bug is fixed. This should simplify the work for all involved parties.
See this blog post for more information.
Thank you for your understanding.
It is correct when you use the GLP validator. If you use the TrivadisGuidelines3Plus validator then this is a false positive. See
3/ Why is the recommendation "G-7240: Avoid using an IN OUT parameter as IN or OUT only." raised with the following code? Because no IN nor OUT nor IN...
2/ Why is the recommendation "G-9002: Local variable should start with 'l_'." raised with the following code? Because the cursor is named "c_dept" and...
1/ Why is the recommendation "G-4385: Never use a cursor for loop to check whether a cursor returns data." raised with the following code? Because "r_...
You may try this:/p>
No the file is not empty, but it is incomplete. You're right, you cannot install the plugin in Eclipse. We will fix that with the next version.
Yes, the newest SonarQube versions require JDK 11. That's fine. The PL/SQL SonarQube plugin works with JDK 11. However, behind the scenes a new OS pro...
I assume this is related to - Please ensure that tvdcc.cmd is using a JRE/JDK 8.
This happens when you use a JRE or JDK > 8. PL/SQL Cop works with JDK7 or JDK8 only. Please install a JDK8 and change the variable JAVA_HOME in the...
Hi Philippe, My question is: do you think a Cop validator could be built to support such multi-characteristics / multi-letters naming conventions? In ...
Thank you filou97, for letting us know. 😀
It seems that the validators.jar file is not found. I tried to copy it into several locations but without success. Can someone tell me where to instal...
Thank you for these examples. I've opened a ticket for the first example to make the json_query_return_type optional. In the most recent Oracle docum...
Hi Vitaly, The json_query_return_type is missing in your code. Hence the code is wrong, will not run and throws also an error when doing the code anal...
I cannot test this right now. But this in the logs 17:58:07.507 WARN: File C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Jenkins/workspace/Validate%20Code/pb_rti_cs.pkb ...