Important Announcement
This forum will be discontinued.
The creation of new topics is disabled.
Please open GitHub issues for the corresponding topics/products in the following Trivadis repositories:
- PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines
- PL/SQL Cop Command Line
- PL/SQL Cop for SonarQube
- PL/SQL Cop for SQL Developer
- PL/SQL Cop Validators
- PL/SQL Analyzer
- PL/SQL Unwrapper
A lot of users have already a GitHub account and the management of the issues is better than in this forum. For example, closing a forum topic is never related to a product change. Closing a GitHub issue for an accepted bug means that the bug is fixed. This should simplify the work for all involved parties.
See this blog post for more information.
Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks a lot. With the instructions you provided in this link: Everything worked as expected. Cheers
Awesome Philipp, thanks for your quick reply. Is the "jar" plugin already available anywhere ? or do I have to actually produce it with Maven. All...
Thank you. I didn't want to disable the TAG 7110 since that one is very handy. The NOSONAR tip definitely did the job. In anycase stylecop reported th...