Important Announcement
This forum will be discontinued.
The creation of new topics is disabled.
Please open GitHub issues for the corresponding topics/products in the following Trivadis repositories:
- PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines
- PL/SQL Cop Command Line
- PL/SQL Cop for SonarQube
- PL/SQL Cop for SQL Developer
- PL/SQL Cop Validators
- PL/SQL Analyzer
- PL/SQL Unwrapper
A lot of users have already a GitHub account and the management of the issues is better than in this forum. For example, closing a forum topic is never related to a product change. Closing a GitHub issue for an accepted bug means that the bug is fixed. This should simplify the work for all involved parties.
See this blog post for more information.
Thank you for your understanding.

Apologies, I've not been able to test this yet. I did try a couple of substitution characters in the paths to replace the spaces but that didn't work ...
Ran a diff against the two XML reports from both scanners to check that they actually were identical and they are with the obvious exception of perfo...
Regarding the last post, I added some more debug and can confirm that tvdcc.cmd is being invoked with Java 8 in both cases, just wanted to rule that o...
One more thing that I've noticed is that I'm obviously running the JDK v8 now because of the issue that I first had when I opened this thread. However...
Thanks for the reply Philipp. I have rolled the Jenkins scanner back to to match the working stand alone scanner however the issue is persi...
Correction: I meant to say that the XML (not HTML) reports are correctly generated from the jenkins scanner and the scanner report directory is create...
Hi Philipp, Thanks for that reply, it is much appreciated. I have downgraded to Java 8 and now have the standalone PL/SQL Cop working successfully as ...