Philipp Salvisberg’s Blog
Database-centric development
I recently had a few discussions regarding the Smart Database Paradigm (SmartDB) with long-standing customers, new customers, partners, competitors and colleagues. Some people think that using APEX and PL/SQL in their database application is SmartDB. But it is not that simple. Bryn Llewelyn defined the term “Smart Database Paradigm” (SmartDB) in his talk Guarding […]
On June 10 2018 I blogged about the MemOptimized RowStore in Oracle Database 18c. If you haven’t read this post, it is a good idea to catch up now. I showed that accessing a memoptimized table t4 via the MemOptimized RowStore was around 60% slower than accessing a heap-organized table t1. I […]
The MemOptimized RowStore introduced in Oracle Database 18c is designed to improve the performance of simple queries accessing data via primary key columns only. An example of such a query is SELECT value FROM t WHERE key = :key where key is the only primary key column of table t. This feature is […]
The accessible_by_clause was introduced in Oracle Database 12 Release 1 and extended in Release 2. If you don‘t know this feature, I suggest having a look at the documentation or reading Steven Feuerstein’s blog post. In this blog post, I talk about how to use this feature properly. Consider you have a […]
I’ve recently installed plscope-utils in an Oracle Database 18c instance. A package body using the SYS.UTL_XML.ParseQuery function failed to compile. The error message was: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to ‘PARSEQUERY’. Fixing that was easy. I just had to pass the new mandatory currUid parameter. But then I’ve got the […]
For the last two months, my Trivadis colleague Daniel Schutzbach and I have been working on the PL/SQL Cop plugin for SonarQube. The goal was to support the most recent SonarQube versions 5.6 LTS, 6.7 LTS and 7.0. Dani was doing the heavy lifting and my job was testing and minor bug […]
If you are guarding your data behind a hard shell PL/SQL API as Bryn Llewellyn, Toon Koppelaars and others recommend, then it should be quite easy to prove, that your PL/SQL application is secured against SQL injection attacks. The basic idea is 1) that you do not expose data via tables nor views […]
Today I found a sketch of an ERD from last year when I looked at the new features of PL/Scope in version 12.2. It looked a bit complicated and also wrong. So, I decided to refactor it using SQL Developer Data Modeler and share the result. You find the model in the […]
My first car was a Renault R5 TX. The motor cooling of this car was really bad. On a hot summer day, it was simply not possible to drive slowly in high traffic without overheating the engine. To cool the engine you could either stop the car, open the front lid and […]
In this blog post, I show step-by-step how to set up a continuous code quality inspection environment for a PL/SQL project hosted on GitHub. I’m going to use a Docker container for SonarQube and another container for Jenkins. Here is the table of contents of the major steps. In the summary of […]