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[Solved] table validator

2 Posts
2 Users
1 Reactions
Topic starter

We're in the process of writing some additional validators. Some of them should be triggered by create table and alter table statements ... but we're struggling to achieve this. We succesfully used the 'CreateView' object before, consequently we tried the CreateTable/AlterTable objects. And although the Eclipse EDI suggests to import '' and '', and the code compiles just fine, CreateTable and AlterTable are nowhere to be found in the documentation. There seems no way to 'catch' a create table of an alter table statement. We've tried the DataDefinitionStatement, but no luck either. Even a custom check on EObject is not triggered when we're checking a 'create table ... ' statement.

In the PL/SQL Editor, a create/alter table statement does not seem to be recognized either, since it is marked as erroneous. Neither does the outline window manage to make sense of it.

So our question is: is it currently possible create a custom validator on a Create or Alter Table statement?
And if not: is there some kind of workaround, like maybe a way to access the whole create/alter statement and parse it ourselves for example?

1 Answer

So our question is: is it currently possible create a custom validator on a Create or Alter Table statement?

No, not with the PL/SQL validator. There are ways when using a SQL*Plus validator. But this is something we do not support and it will not be satisfying since the SQL*Plus grammar is just a shallow parser with rudimentary functionality. 

tomvdyck Topic starter 12/12/2019 10:11 am

Thanks for your quick and clear answer!