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[Solved] Support for SonarQube 7.7

1 Posts
2 Users
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Topic starter

Hi there, 

Is there any support being planned for SonarQube plugin for version 7.x (or 7.7)?

The reason being asked is because of error message below which I assume is related to the changes in the API SonarQube 

12:15:18.969 ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Metric 'files' should not be computed by a Sensor
at org.sonar.scanner.sensor.DefaultSensorStorage.saveMeasure(
at org.sonar.api.batch.sensor.measure.internal.DefaultMeasure.doSave(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopSensor.saveResourceCoreMetrics(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopSensor.access$000(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopSensor$1.onResource(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopReportParser$Parser.loadResource(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopReportParser$Parser.parseFile(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopReportParser$Parser.parse(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopReportParser.parse(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopSensor.analyze(
at com.trivadis.sonar6.plugins.plsqlcop.PlSqlCopSensor.execute(


Other plugins had similar issue (See their PULL Request)


Thank you for your plugin and help with this. ! 

This topic was modified 6 years ago by f789gh
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1 Answer

We will eventually.

However, we decided to postpone changes until SonarSource releases another LTS release.

It's just difficult to keep up with the APIs changes in the intermediate versions of SonarQube. Therefore we recommend to use only the LTS versions for the time being.