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[Solved] Enforcing naming convention and code commenting practices

4 Posts
2 Users
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Topic starter



Is there any option in PL/SQL Cop to enforce the naming conventions ? for instance that a cursor must be named "c_employees", and so on ?

The same question for code commenting and coding style. Does the tool enforce these guidelines ?


Thank you

1 Answer

Is there any option in PL/SQL Cop to enforce the naming conventions ? for instance that a cursor must be named "c_employees", and so on ?

Not directly. However, since version 2 PL/SQL Cop support custom guidelines. A sample validator is provided as Maven project covering the chapter "2.2 Naming Conventions" of  Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 3.2. Have a look at the OTN discussion about this topic. Just configure the validator "com.trivadis.tvdcc.validators.TrivadisGuidelines3Plus" instead of "com.trivadis.tvdcc.validators.GLP" as described in this post. 

The same question for code commenting and coding style. Does the tool enforce these guidelines ?

Currently there are no validators available covering chapter "3. Coding Style".

diordonez Topic starter 12/06/2017 10:26 pm

Awesome Philipp, thanks for your quick reply.


Is the "jar" plugin already available anywhere ? or do I have to actually produce it with Maven.


All the best

Philipp Salvisberg 13/06/2017 5:36 am

No, you have to build the validators.jar with the Maven build file.

diordonez Topic starter 14/06/2017 12:37 am

Thanks a lot. With the instructions you provided in this link:


Everything worked as expected.
