
Outer Join Operator (+) Restrictions in

I’m currently reviewing a draft of Roger Troller’s updated PL/SQL and SQL Coding Guidelines version 3.0. One guideline recommends using ANSI join syntax. The mentioned reasons are ANSI join syntax does not have as many restrictions as the ORACLE join syntax has. Furthermore ANSI join syntax supports the full outer join. A third […]

Update for PL/SQL Cop and PL/SQL Analyzer

Some people asked me to announce the availability of new versions of products on my website. I guess a blog entry and a Twitter announcement should do the job. Today I’ve released the following three updates: These products are always affected by a  grammar change to SQL*Plus, SQL or PL/SQL. The goal is to […]

Introducing PL/SQL Unwrapper for SQL Developer

I’m using from time to time the free service Unwrap it! or Niels Teusink’s Python script unwrap.py to unwrap PL/SQL code. Recently I’ve been confronted more with wrapped code since a customer is about to migrate to a new banking platform which is using wrapped PL/SQL code extensively. While investigating migration errors we experienced that […]

Cannot Install Extensions in SQL Developer 4 on Mac OS X

Today I could not install any SQL Developer extension on my Mac OS X machine. I did not get an error message during the installation. After a restart of SQL Developer, the extension simply was missing. When I tried to re-install it – selecting “Check for updates…” in the “Help” menu – I got the […]