A half a year ago Trivadis released a command line utility to scan code within a directory tree for guideline violations of the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 2.0. This tool is perfectly suited to process millions of lines of code, but an integration into Oracle SQL Developer was missing until now.
This SQL Developer extension checks the editor content per mouse click or keyboard shortcut. Simply navigate through the issues using the cursor keys to highlight the linked code sections in the corresponding editor.

Additionally, a detailed HTML report tab is populated containing all metrics you know from the command line tool, such as McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity, Halstead’s volume, the maintainability index or the number of statements.
If you do not like all guideline checks you may configure an inclusion and exclusion list in the SQL Developer preferences to shape the output according to your needs.
Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL CodeChecker for SQL Developer is available for free and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. The full functionality is provided and is not limited in time and volume.
See Download Area for more information or simply register the TVDCC update center http://update.salvis.com/ in SQL Developer.
[…] couple of days ago Trivadis released the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL CodeChecker (tvdcc) as SQL Developer Extension. TVDCC does check the editor content for compliance violations of the […]
[…] Developer reibungslos. Ich bemerkte das Problem bei der Installation meines ersten Plug-Ins, dem Trivadis Code-Checker Plugin (tvdcc), das sich im Code Editor über den neuen Kontextmenüpunkt ‚Check‘ starten lässt und […]